Creativity is the catalyst for transformation...

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Currently located in Brunswick Heads I travel between Byron and Brisbane facilitating workshops, seeing individual clients, facilitating groups and exhibiting my artwork. As a qualified Art Therapist and Artist, I passionately believe creativity is the catalyst for transformation. Art Therapy provides an opportunity to express your unique experience, encouraging self-discovery and emotional growth...artistic skills are not required. An integrative approach accessing parts of your psyche that cannot be reached verbally, using visual symbols and imagery to provide an elemental form of inner communication. Acknowledging we are motivated both consciously and unconsciously by our internal landscape I hold the space for you to explore those thoughts and emotions that arise through the process. Reflecting on the artwork prompts insight into those feelings and can stimulate intuitive responses as to how work through and resolve those issues in a compassionate and supportive environment.


Sally Roe artist and art therapist.

I am a passionate advocate for the potential benefits experienced through the exploration of imagination, creativity and making meaning through artistic engagement. Creativity is absolutely a catalyst, inherent in enriching the human experience. As an artist I'm aware that we come from our own internal landscape and motives...which is valuable as an unique individual. The difference is as the arts therapist I hold the space for the other to externalize their creativity. A subtle difference but paramount in a client focused environment where we meet the person where they are. As an artist I've created, exhibited, taught, consulted, managed galleries, run studio spaces and fortunately continue to absolutely love what I do.
When we focus on enhancing creativity, we see potential instead of problems, we see opportunities instead of obstacles and instead of challenges we see a chance to create solutions. Creativity is critically important in everything we do and everyone can explore art processes and techniques that engage creativity and innovation. Everyone is capable of increasing their inherent creativity transforming all areas of their lives. We are creating our lives in every moment the question to ask is "are we creating through intent or by default?".





ANZACATA membership 47284033

NDISWC number 67792347

52699 WA Advanced Diploma Art Therapy

HLT42807 Advanced Diploma Kinesiology

BSB40407 Certificate IV  Business Management

TAE40110 Certificate IV Workplace Training & Assessment

CNJ36 Cerfificate of Ceramics





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